Wednesday 20 July 2016

What is life worth living for?

This is the most basic question of life with which we all are born. Why are we here? Is our presence really making any difference? And the most important of all, what is life worth living for? It's not that I've found the answers to these questions but I am just trying to make at least something out of my life. Each and every creation of God's special, we all exist here for a reason. And I am still finding the reason for my presence! Life was never planned but we made it so, by fixing our hours between job and relations. To be honest, the only way to make a difference is to follow your dreams by listening to your heart. There's a strange force present somewhere inside each one of us which takes us to our heart and that's the place where our dreams reside. We all are different in almost every perspective, specially in passion and that's the voice of our heart. Some people find solace in nature, other's find it in music; people like me feel good by writing and much more. Many would also argue that they don't have any passion (my sister always does that!) but it's not true, because life never happened to them, maybe it's waiting for them with some surprises ahead and it happens because world needs us. Life wants us to flow with it and it teaches us to never stop. And once we stop it's difficult to join back the stream because we are left behind. No one have the power or right to change us, because only You are the one who can be the next change. And all of which will start if we discover ourselves first. I believe in life and that strange power which has pulled me all the way through the hatred for grammar to literature love and now this the voice of my heart which will make a change. 
We are here for some work specially assigned to us because we have that potential. Our presence will make a difference if we discover ourselves and listen to our very own heart. Life is worth living for a change, that's made for others, a change that will defeat oblivion and will never make it end.